Various Features on Your Smartwatch to Monitor Your Health


Good health is vital for good living and the accomplishment of daily activities. Smartwatches play a huge role in tracking and improving your overall health. They can monitor your sleep patterns, blood-oxygen consumption, heart rate, and heartbeats or cardio fitness. You can also set a timer to do a particular thing like wash hands or take medications. Most have health apps like the Huawei Watch 3, which you can buy from the Watch 3 store. In this post, we expound on smartwatch health tracking features.

Smartwatch Features for Tracking Your Health

You can connect the features to your phone and share data with the apps. They include;

1. Electrocardiogram

It is commonly known as ECG used to detect irregular heartbeats, which can indicate a stroke. Generally, the app measures the strength of the electrical pulses in your heart and also their intervals. The pulses ensure your heart keeps pumping, so being irregular is not a good sign. To operate the app, start by launching it and place your finger on the digital crown. Hold the home button for at least 30 seconds to build electrodes in the watch’s digital crown. The result can show ‘sinus rhythm’ or ‘A-fib.’ Sinus rhythm means the heartbeat is normal; however, it is advisable to see a doctor in case of any symptoms.

2. Electrodermal sensor

It’s also called the EDA sensor. The feature is found in few smartwatch brands. It measures the skin for changes in the level of sweat and stress levels based on the stress management score. To use it, place your hand on the front of the device. This will help the sensors detect any electrical change in your sweat.

In addition, with the help of your sleep amount, heart rate, and physical activity data, the watch analyses your stress. The score ranges between 1 to 100. A high score indicates few stress signs, while a low score means your stress level is high. According to the score results, some smartwatches may recommend breathing exercises to help manage stress.

3. Blood-Oxygen measuring feature

You can measure your blood-oxygen level automatically from your smartwatch. Watches like the Series 6 have clusters of red, green, and infrared LEDs on the backside with four photodiodes between them which determine your blood’s color. Monitoring can occur through the night or day, but you can also have a manual reading done. Launch the measuring app and place your wrist on a flat surface steadily. Keep the watch display facing up, press on start, and wait for 15 seconds. Normal readings are between 95-100 percent. Low readings signify heart or lung issues, and a doctor should be seen.

4. Sleep tracking feature

Some smartwatch devices track the quality of your sleep by checking the different stages of sleep, how long you sleep and how many times you wake up before morning. Ensure the battery is well charged to last through the night or whichever time you sleep to record proper readings.


The above smartwatch features monitor your body’s functions to alert you when something is wrong or needs improvement. It’s important to note that most of these watches do not detect symptoms, and you should see a physician if you experience some. There are several medical apps that vary from brand to brand; however, they all function to better your health. Select a smartwatch with your desired features for maximum benefits.


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